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UI UX Design Fundamentals
Welcome To UX Design Essentials (2:05)
Read This First
UX Design Essentials
UX Design Tutorial (19:27)
What is UX design and why is it important (5:07)
The UX design process (2:34)
The Design Team (2:20)
The Development Team (2:13)
Recommended (5:37)
Unlock the Secrets of User Behaviour
Introduction to User Research (1:33)
Identifying user needs and goals (2:20)
Conducting user interviews and surveys (2:35)
Analyzing user data (2:11)
Hands-on Task 1 Create a user persona (2:16)
User Persona Walkthrough (1:33)
Recommended (3:27)
Master the Art of Information Architecture
Introduction to Information Architecture (1:38)
Organize and label content (3:28)
Creating Site Maps, Wireframes and Paper Prototypes (2:04)
Usability Testing and Information Architecture (2:47)
Hands-on Task 2 - Card Sort (1:16)
Card Sort Walkthrough Part 1 (0:45)
Card Sort Walkthrough Part 2 (0:59)
Unleash the Power of Interaction Design
Designing User Flows and Journeys (1:42)
Hands-on Task 3 - User Flow Diagram (1:32)
Prototyping and testing interfaces (2:16)
Hands-on Task 4 - Low-fidelity (low-fi) prototype (2:06)
Transform Your Creative Potential: Dive into the World of Visual Design
Designing the look and feel of the product (3:04)
Designing for Responsive Web Design (2:22)
The best tools for UI designers (3:20)
Hands-on Task 5 - High-fidelity (hi-fi) prototype (0:26)
Tutorial 1 (0:56)
Tutorial 2 (8:54)
Tutorial 3 (12:43)
Tutorial 4 (4:18)
Tutorial 5 (6:36)
Tutorial 6 (2:05)
Mastering Accessibility in Design
Accessibility and inclusive design (2:19)
Designing for Mobile Accessibility (2:23)
Designing for color blindness (2:26)
Hands-on Task 6- Your Prototype Accessibility (0:27)
Accessibility Walkthrough (2:53)
User Testing Essentials
Introduction to User Testing (2:30)
Conducting User Testing (2:39)
Analyzing and Interpreting User Test Data (2:24)
Hands-on Task 7 - User Testing Your App (3:11)
Your Portfolio
Behance (3:48)
Adobe Portfolio (3:40)
Professional UX Designers Case Study (5:27)
Example Case Study
Example CV
Example Cover Letter
Getting Experience (5:00)
Adobe XD - Learning The Essentials
Before we Begin
Getting Set Up (3:29)
The interface (3:30)
Preview your designs (4:34)
Wed Design Theory (8:09)
Max Mara Example (3:17)
The Header (7:25)
Where to find Icons (1:28)
Where to find images (1:09)
The Hero (5:31)
Designing a Call to Action (3:42)
Finishing the Prototype (7:50)
Beginners Project 1: E-commerce Website
Let's Begin (0:38)
The Brief
User Journey
JD Sports Analysis (7:46)
Sports Direct Analysis (7:22)
Adobe XD Tutorial 1/4 (19:11)
Adobe XD Tutorial 2/4 (14:22)
Adobe XD Tutorial 3/4 (13:05)
Adobe XD Tutorial 4/4 (8:55)
Ants Prototype
Assignment 1
Beginners Project 2 : Music Streaming Iphone App
The Brief
User Journey
Spotify App Review (5:00)
Apple Music App Review (5:48)
Youtube Music App Review (4:59)
Amazon Music App Review (4:29)
Tutorial 1: iPhone App Set Up (11:21)
Tutorial 2: Recently Played (8:51)
Tutorial 3: Fixing The Tabs & Top Bar (9:14)
My Finished Prototype
Assignment 2
Beginners Project 3: Food App
The Brief
User Journey
8 Fit Review (4:07)
Lifesum Review (6:13)
Meallime Review (4:14)
Tutorial 1: Saving Time (11:02)
Tutorial 2: Finishing Things Off (9:45)
My Prototype
Assignment 3
Project 4: Video Streaming Website
The Brief
User Journey
Disney Plus Review (11:01)
Netflix Review (7:17)
Google Stadia Review (3:23)
Tutorial 1: Infinity and Beyond (12:00)
Tutorial 2: Jupiter The Gas Giant (8:30)
Tutorial 3: The Homepage (17:28)
Tutorial 4: The Detail Page (13:31)
Tutorial 5: The Video Detail Page (4:37)
Assignment 4
Project 5: Game Streaming Application
Tutorial 2: Cloud Based Gaming Library
The Brief: GG Games
User Journey: GG Games
Google Stadia Review (6:02)
Steam Review (5:00)
PlayStation Now Review (4:49)
Tutorial 1: GG Games (2:05)
Tutorial 2: Navigation & Hero (15:39)
Tutorial 3: Game Promos (9:29)
Tutorial 4: Hover State & Details Page (8:48)
Assignment 4: GG Games
Tutorials For Your Portfolio - Free Bonus
Tutorial 1: Hotel Booking Site
Persona: Sea Worthy Stays
User Journey: Sea Worthy Stays
Responsive Design Alternative: Sea Worthy Stays
Tutorial 2: Live Streaming Application
Persona: VidzNow
User Journey: VidzNow
Responsive Design Alternative: VidzNow
Tutorial 3: Theme Park Site
Persona: SpooksVille
User Journey: SpooksVille
Responsive Design Alternative: SpooksVille
Tutorial 4: Space Agency
Persona: BONO
User Journey: BONO
Responsive Design Alternative: BONO
Tutorial 5: Sporting News Site
Persona: SportzNow
User Jouney: SportzNow
Responsive Design Alternative: SportzNow
Tutorial 6: Online Learning/Teaching Marketplace
Persona: Fresh Learning
User Journey: Fresh Learning
Responsive Design Alternative: Fresh Learning
Tutorial 7: Magazine Website
Persona: Squared
User Journey: Squared
Responsive Design Alternative: Squared
Tutorial 8: Dating Application
Persona: One&Only
User Journey: One&Only
Website Design Alternative: One&Only
Tutorial 9: Banking Website
Persona: NBE
User Journey: NBE
Tutorial 10: Band Website
Persona: DCAC
User Journey: DCAC
Tutorial 11: Sports Team Site
Persona: Nomerc
User Journey: Nomerc
Tutorial 12: Electric Car Manufacturer Landing Page
Persona: Buzz Cars
User Journey: Buzz Cars
Tutorial 13: Private Cottage For Rent
Persona: Stronghold
User Journey: Stronghold
Tutorial 14: Restaurant Chain Site
Persona: Mesejoes
User Journey: Mesejoes
Tutorial 15: Egyptian Arts Museum
Persona: Egyptian Arts Museum
User Journey: Egyptian Arts Museum
Tutorial 16: Egyptian Arts Museum Mobile App
Persona: Egyptian Arts Museum App
User Journey: Egyptian Arts Museum App
Tutorial 17: Space News Landing Page
Persona: Beyond Our View
User Journey: Beyond Our View
Designing User Flows and Journeys
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